We now accept original photographs from writers to accompany their vignettes.

Friday, May 3, 2013

May 2: Light & Darkness

From @sharasekaram:
Lightness and darkness both within. Am I one or the other? Or am I both? What would I give into here and what do they see in me? Do they see both playing out against each other in this elaborate ballet that we call personality?

From Priyanthie de Silva:
I gazed at the work of art critically. Interesting play of light & darkness! Made me think of a 'Gothic novel' with many shades of gloom. My friend, the artist, was a diagnosed 'manic depressive'. Could it be that she saw the world that way? No wonder she thought that she was better off dead.

From @cernoblog:
"Our politicians dress in white for its associations of purity: light = right. Satan is called Lucifer - "light-bringing". Yet evil is called "dark". Let’s drop these Chiaroscuro metaphors"...

"Drop your posh bullshit" I snapped.
"Christian devils are meaningless to us Buddhists"

I opened another Chivas Regal and our drunken laughter rose into the Poya night.

From @Senel_W:
A flash of light came through the ceiling. The weightlessness was inexplicable. Like it was air running down my arteries. The cold light was drawing me.

I saw you. I wanted to scream that I was right there next to you, more alive than ever.

Suddenly everything was dark.

Like a candle was blown away. 

From @chav_:
From darkness to darkness
From darkness to light
From light to light
From light to darkness

He'd forgotten a lot of what had been taught in those hours of religious indoctrination, but not these. Beings, in their perpetual state of travel. To, from. Photons, and their absence. He knew not how to describe his journey.

From @shamsmakkiya:
The glowing golden light encapsulated my silhouette as I stood leaning against my lonely tree as grave as a ghost. The darkness that awaited ahead seemed inevitable.
"Loneliness gives birth to tranquility" promised my inner soul with a vibrant smile that reflected in my eyes.

From @wikifreakz:
It was too early today when I finished jogging.

The monsoon sky was awfully gloomy.

I saw a silhouetted figure on the terrazzo tiles of the deserted sidewalk.

A melodious interlude of an oldie caressed my ears.

As the first rays of sunlight reached the earth, I could see his black goggles and white cane.

From Tristan Kube:
Tomorrow’s just moments away from becoming today while I stay awake feeling most alive, enjoying the silence of the moment while the rest of the world lies dormant. Shadows will stretch over the land in the morning while the sun stamps its existence all over the place. Another sunrise would soon beckon - in vain.

From @bhagsy:
Who knew you had moods?
Changing ever so often,
Within a few seconds.

You showed me with your moods,
Blues, greys, yellows, reds and oranges
Who knew you would change,
Have many feelings to show?

I had not a say,
No option.
You changed, like the clouds in the sky,
Like the setting sun.

From @Pennykinned:
He loved dusk, that ambiguous time when light and darkness melded together. When things weren’t always visible – their shapes had to be discerned by their shadows. It was the only time he felt comfortable in his own skins. The movies and books never mentioned how bloody uncomfortable it was, being a split personality.

From @Mari_desilva:
What if black was good and white, bad? 
Light, unsafe and darkness, safe?

Why are things perceived a certain way? 
Why do we believe everything we hear?
Why do we fear going against the grain?
Why do we not question authority?

Why don’t we do Something? Anything? 
Just break this deafening silence, damn it!

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